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Saturday, October 17, 2009


1. STOP WASTING FOOD, instead, buy and use only what you need. Make a budget of your expenses for food when you are not AWARE of how you spend. The following week, make a day by day account of what you buy and why, being AWARE that there are over ONE BILLION hungry people around the world...and you can help SOME of them!

2. INSTEAD OF BUYING SOMETHING THAT YOU DO NOT NEED, INVEST THAT AMOUNT OF MONEY IN EITHER MICRO-CREDITING with Givology, Kiva etc. organizations, FEED A HUNGRY CHILD/PERSON in your neighbourhood, SAVE and ACCUMMULATE IT with the intention to donate it in a cause you support later. (check Givology-invest in small businesses,provide opportunities for poor women etc. or Kiva-microcredits 2 empower people around the world or Concern Gifts-affordable gifts that can lift families out of poverty or FILL THE CUP-provide school meals, keep children in school! etc.)

3. If you do not have the means to donate actual money toward a cause that you are otherwise very passionate about, use all the online FREE opportunities to engage in ACTION, whether by SPREADING the WORD via your favortie social media, by playing cool games etc. e.g. Choose a cause, earn points by completing activities, spread the word! or play a cool word game for free and earn points that turn into rice grains which will feed the hungry! choose a cause, earn points 4 it, spread the word etc.). If you need more ideas get in touch with me!

4. Open an account/or have a special box in which you collect money which will later be INVESTED in improving the life of someone impoverished! You can also put such a box in your office and then decide together with your co-workers how to spend this money. (you can make an alternative box with Ideas how to tackle such issues or Wishes/Needs that people know about in your area etc.)

5. Write about POVERTY/HUNGER/WAYS to EMPOWER poor people/etc. etc. and share these thoughts/articles with your friends (by e-mails or social media outlets), e.g. instead of sending them FORWARDs which they probably don't bother to read, make it PERSONAL - tell them 'YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE'!

6. INSPIRE others for ACTION. Bring AWARENESS about poverty etc. in your country or around the world. Bring the ATTENTION of the public to these issues, e.g. write to your government, to all the media in your city etc.

7. Be an EXAMPLE to others! Don't indulge yourself in endless, futile consumerism/shopping. Don't buy stuff for the sake of buying it, for the sole sake of having the MOST fashionable look! Rather, set boundaries for yourself, invest your money wisely (no matter how much you actually have)!

8. Apart from money, what really matters is your ATTITUDE! Your willingness to DONATE your TIME and HEART into improving the lives of those in need, e.g. volunteer in an orphanage, for an organization delivering food to the hungry, organize a small group with which to discuss issues, to organize events, to share info. BE ACTIVE!!! (it can be people from your workplace, or church, or school, or neigbours).

9. Find a cause/an organization that interests you, that fascinates you, then get in touch with it, learn more about it, get involved in it! It does NOT matter how educated you are, what job position you have, how you look, or what your faith is, just BE COMPASSIONATE (check this)!

10. Use your talents, your professional skills, your social or work position to advance human efforts toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (see here for more info) and ENDING POVERTY in all its dimensions! (Poverty is MULTIDIMENSIONAL and it limits the choices of people to develop and reach their full potential, it hinders them from living their lives to the fullest, therefore it restricts and robs them from FREEDOM!) “Poverty is lack of access to basic human needs such as food, clean water, health care, clothing, education and shelter.” (see here). If you are an architect, put your skills and knowledge in use for the poor in your community (cool projects to improve communities or volunteer with Habitat for Humanity); if you are a teacher, share with your children about the world, engage them in action, whether by organizing volunteer trips to nearby orphanages, or get them to collect goods, make sells of crafts they make in class and donate the money toward a cause, make them AWARE and ENGAGED young citizens!; if you are a student, get involved in social clubs that have community service programs etc. , get together with like-minded people, organize events on campus, inspire others with your own actions! if you are a businessman, make your business truly SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE, share your skills and resources with the poor, invest in such communities (building wells, providing micro-credits etc.), offer scholarships to students from impoverished communities etc.


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