optimism for change? ye, definetely, but despite all the talk about China, outsiders really know just bits from here and bits from there...all in all...they know mostly, what the Chinese want them to know..the Olympic games are over now and one of my friends assured me that i am going to see a better and cleaner beijing...but i KNOW...it's allll FACADE, it's what the Chinese call "mianzi" (face) and this is what defines them to a large degree...so, anywhos, i understand - why wouldn't my blog be banned?...i should have known better and not have put anything concerning God (christianity is like a curse for the government, or so they believe...) or anything about issues of sensitivity both politically, morally, or socially...and i haven't even started yet...what i pity!
yes, we live in a "globalized world" whatever that means, i think today the vagueness of this expression is extreme and anyone gives it a definition of their own...like the Chinese, for them globalization consists of the fact that they have become the Factory of the World and that they have "opened their doors" to the cruel and imbecile west....extreme? well, right now, i am short of neutral and tolerant words, because i am struck by the reality to which i shall return in 1 day.
Despite all this, i BELIEVE in Human Development, in action, in change. I believe that Where there is a will, there is a way, and no communist, democratic or other regime can make me think otherwise. I don't give up and if anything, i feel more challenged, more motivated and more devoted to a cause higher than me and my mere selfish interests! For me, this is worth fighting for, and it is worth living for! - "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy" (Prov.31)
So, now i will search for a way to penetrate through the Chinese internet police, and once i find it...i will be back with more stuff about our world...us - people, all of God's creation~!
Till then, remember how very very blessed yall are, to be able to do what you like, to say what you think, to go where you want, to be who you are (and who you wish to be)~! YOU ARE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE, EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU LACK SOMETHING, OR have NOT EVERYTHING!
So, don't waste your life grumbing and mumbling over little nothings and take a step to help those in need, live your life meaningfully!!!! and you will not regret a single day of it...
!it takes little to make YOUR world a different place...it's in YOUR hands...TODAY~!
Love and Peace in Christ!
Be Blessed!!!!!!!
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