The Many build the houses
the Few live in them
The Many grow the crops
the Few enjoy the meals
The Many supply the water
the fews' thirst is quenched
The Many mine precious stones
the few wear diamond necklaces
The Many manufacture clothes
the Few wear them and show off
The Many die in pursuit of freedom
the Few are born free
The Many cut their trees
the Few read books and have green fields
The Many gather the fruits
the Few drink fresh coffee in Starbucks
The Many fight for peace
the Few enjoy it
The Many are slaves
the Few are masters
The Many are sold in sex trade
the Few have choice to become what they want
The Many are invisible
the Few are famous
The Many are life survivors
the Few are film heroes (stars)
The Many are being tortured
the Few are pampered
The Many die before turning 5
the Few live long after 75
The Many thirst for knowledge
the Few go to university
The Many are sick
the Few have access to doctors and pills
The Many live with less than a dollar a day
the Few fill a bag of money on a shopping day
The Many bury their dreams and beloved ones
the Few enjoy their 'dreams come true'
The Many's voice is silenced
the Few's is loud and clear
is our world distinctively divided into 'the Many' and the 'Few'?
are we two distinct breeds?
are we from different planets?
can there ever be reconciliation, or is it like mixing oil and water in a cup?
we wish to see a world where it Matters who You are simply because You are a Human Being, a child of God, a Person, woman, man, young or old.
but we live in a wolrd in which it Matters, in various degrees, who You are and what life you will lead by the color of your skin,
by the place you were born,
by the culture you are in,
by the passport you will have,
by the groups that you belong,
by the people you will know,
by the money you have got,
by the clothes that you can buy and
by the things you can consume,
by the words you can pronounce and
by the schools you will enjoy...it depends...it matters really, can it ever be any different really?
It can...Jesus said...
"Blessed are you who are poor,for YOURS is the kingdom of God.Blessed are you who hunger now,for you will be satisfied.Blessed are you who weep now,for you will laugh.Blessed are you when men hate you,when they exclude you and insult youand reject your name as evil,because of the Son of man.Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their fathers treated the prophets."But woe to you who are rich,for you have already received your comfort.Woe to you who are well fed now,for you will go hungry.Woe to you who laugh now,for you will mourn and weep.Woe to you when all men speak well of you,for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets."Luke6: 20-26So, hold on, you who are last...because he said
"The last shall be First and the first shall be last" Matt.20:16as for
equality...is it a matter of heaven?.. and not earth?..not this earth?..or at least not now?...
still, it isn't to say we should give up on hope of improvement, on hope of reducing the Many and increasing the Few...on making the scales close to even, even if it costs us our lives...We will do!
all we need is voices from the Few who are willing to speak for the Many,
we need few of the Few to open their eyes and become aware, and try to change the' formula' of our world,
so that the two (the Many and the Few) become compatible and fair.
So, if you are from the Few today, the Few who have a home, a meal, clean water, school and all kinds of amenities to enjoy every day,
Challenge your Self to look deeper into yourself and try to see this Self in a mirror that portrays you as if you belonged to the Many...and you will never be the same again...i am also doing this, by the way!
There need not be first and last, there need not be race in life...if we can see through God's eyes...and embrace everything with love..just as it comes.not judge, not discriminate,
not greed, not rush,
not flush love, or buy guns,
not make war, not live to Have but to Give,
not live to be recognized, but turn into reality somebody's dreams,
not for the Self, not for the Things, not for the Stuff, the Money, the Stage, the Fame
but for the Many, for the Love, the Truth, the Hope, the Treasures of heaven...
not for Me but for You...
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