1. their total obssession with a little thing called MIRROR...in which they used to see someone greater and better than anyone else, someone who deserved to be served and pampered, someone who apparently was as good as (a) god...., someone called SELF and this someone consequently turned out to be a mere illusion, fed up by their own pathetic maniac-driven actions and who, at the end, crashed into pieces and gauged their eyes and pierced their hands and twisted their arms and broke their legs...and left them total invalids, incapable of looking beyond the dark, seeing beyond the fog, hearing beyond the wall, going beyond the door. incapable of cutting open this mascarade costume of brutal pretence and getting out of it, out of the nutshell, out of the SELF- image SELF-body SELF-self....unable to grasp the reality as it poses itself in the distance, unable to catch the horizon...maybe only the vertical (in a whole different dimension), unable to break the walls, jump off the prison and shake the dust off their feet and see the NON-SELF dimension...unable...to see that it wasn't , it had never been about them...and that they were and they were nothing but SLAVES to the master SELF, who controlled every neuron, electron, and atom in their system.
2. as years went by, they caught a disease, incurable, demolishing lives mystery virus called - INSATIABLE DESIRE. they were all literally swallowed by its huge jaws and despite its horiffic looks, poignant smell, and dreadful nature...they were drawn to it, like bees to honey...it's the drug that drove all their instincts, replaced all their natural habits, their feelings, their emotions, it's a poison of some sort, a lethal weapon of a kind, made by an unknown (known) source and operated through a nasty parasyte that penetrates the FLESH (so perishable and weak) and strikes the very essence of human beings - the total annihilator also known as TEMPTATION (greed). so, all in all, its mechanism is as simple as this: the virus finds its victim, the parasyte follows and establishes itself securely, and then...waits for the victim to fall in its traps...it repeatedly says : YOU WANT TO HAVE THIS...and the hypnotized victim whose "immune" system is already totally out of order due to DISBELIEF, DISLLUSIONMENT, DIS....replies back I WANT TO HAVE THIS and I WILL NOT STOP AT ANYTHING TILL I HAVE IT...so, this is how all the strongholds of "moral values", built up traditions, beliefs and wisdom...evaporate and turn into smoke, which only intensifies the disillusionment of the already dizzled victim...then...its history
3. another method of self-destruction commonly used by the primitive species called HOMO HABILIS was WORDING, in other words, using words simply for the sake of using them, unaware (ignorant) of the immense power hidden in them and of the possible catastrophic effects of their MISusage (or amazing power and effect if properly used)...so it all started, word by word dropped in the field, like dead landmines...which have completed their mission - to exterminate their target - and rest numbly dull...words of courage now gave out only squeaks like parrots, words of wisdom, only sounded like foolish blabber, words of love, nothing but mere clatter...so it was, yet before, long long ago, there were times when words had magical power to give life, to bind the broken hearted, to heal the sick, to revive the dead, to restore the weak, to relieve the suffering, to bring to victory the losing...there were times when s.o. would tell s.o. else "i love you" and all nature will suddenly fall in deep silence and profound meditation...contemplating the beauty and magic of life. there were times when s.o. would put an arm on the shoulder of another and will whisper "don't worry, two are better than one...i am here for you". there were times when mothers sang lullabies, when the wind was blowing a melodious sonnet, when the waves would play a symphonic orcestra, when the grass would dance the cha-cha-cha...and s.o. somewhere would say "praise God, who made all these things, praise the Creator of life, praise him"...these times are now over. God said "i give you life and death - choose life", yet they chose death.
4. then came THE "saviour". some, who got the chance to own him, those who got the chance to grasp him, or even just to smeLl him, all of them truly worshipped him, fervently and zealously they brought sacrifices to him to quench its desire (like a vampire of a sort, he used to suck human's good and process it to come out a new product - excrements)...but it would not cease craving for more...till it leaves you with nothing but the desire to own him, which builds up like a volcano and sooner or later erupts...and the damages it causes...are indescribible. first it requires only your attention, then your time, then your family, then your belief system, then your love, your joy, it asks you to betray your friends, to forget your God, to despise your morals, to denounce your beliefs and finally...ultimately...it strips you off your own life, lures you to embrace HIM with all your vigour, zeal, and devotion... and just as you think you got it all... leaves you to become a rotten good-for-nothing nobody. this beast's pseudonym is "dough", also known as $ MONEY - yet another terrorist capable of murdering thousands upon thousands of "innocent" people. people forgot it was all paper...and fire beats paper...just as rock beats fire...just as water beats them both...and just as the bible says "nobody can serve two masters, you either serve God or money"...they chose the latter...and they suffered the irreversible consequencesof their WRONG CHOICES.
5.then came the "different ones", the weirdos, the left-overs, the test-ers, THE ALIENS, the others....that's us...the remnants, the ruins, the petals of past "glory", the notes of a sung melody, the voice of a distant echo....we warned, yet they were deaf... blind... and mute...to our voices. "we" were in the shadow of the tall skyscrapers, in the shacks of the nearby slums, brothels, we were the unheard, the invisible, the forgotten...and even though many shouted for help... many asked for mercy, it was unseen, unheard of, unknown...it was all EMPTY. we suffered the disasters, both human-caused and natural; we drove the economies of the Human Race, but as foreign elements; we Produced the joys, pleasures and amenities for the The Human Race without enjoyin their benefits...we were alive, yet for them we were dead. so, then, when their own pity, trivial existence was pushed to the edge...
...they woke up...
and realized that the human race cannot be human and cannot be a race, without those tiny, negligible elements hidden for the naked eye, those rusty old parts forgotten and left to die away...just as each machine needs all its elements, to the smallest one, to operate properly...
...but it was too late...
we have scattered around in search of a refuge, in search of a new life, in search of salvation...and we've found it in the arms of THE SAVIOUR - Jesus Christ...the rest is history.
we are here to testify for the atrocities committed by the human race to us, as well as to forgive wholeheartedly these monstreous acts and to unite to built a new human race...one whose engine is driven by mercy and love, and whose purpose is to bring joy and happiness to all, one in which every element, regardless of its size or position, deserves and receives full recognition, respect, and a love-filled life!
we pay our respects to the ashes of human race and we pray that they never repeat the mistakes from the past!
God bless us all!
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