Monday, December 15, 2008
An International Essay Contest: “Can Character and Communities Survive in an Age of Globalization?” - an essay for a contest
Ivana Koleva
“The principal dilemma provoked by globalization is inequality” [1] This sentence is derived from the book “Getting Globalization Right: The Dilemmas of Inequality”, in which the authors state that the question that still remains unsolved around the issue of globalization is not whether it should be supported or refuted but how to get it right, “in the sense of making its benefits more available and making them more equitable between countries and within countries” [2] by making a set of policies aimed at solving the existing problems. During the 2007 United Nations Ministerial Conference on ‘Making Globalization Work for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)’[3], held in Istanbul (Turkey), the participants agreed that the central question and challenge remains how to maximize the gain while minimizing the pain in LDCs . All the parties who were there emphasized that “the current phase of globalization will be judged by whether it is able to transform itself into a vehicle of eradicating poverty, marginalization and inequality, and for promoting sustainable development.” The voices of the people who took part in this conference proclaimed that “This is the imperative of our time. Putting LDCs in the driver’s seat will be a prerequisite for this”[4] .
So, what is the optimal way of achieving this goal? How to make globalization work for the poor as well as the rich? Can it serve as a driving force for the development of all mankind or just a handful of corporations and powerful people? What did globalization bring with it and what are the prospects for its future? Did it undermine character and community or enhance their strength and role?
The answers to these questions can give us a glimpse of the work accomplished and that still unfinished in the process of globalization and will help us assess its influence on communities and character.
After the Cold War, there was a period marked with exhilaration over the victory of democracy and consequently liberal markets and free trade. The ‘Washington consensus’, promoting the liberalization of markets and opening of free trade, despite its positive effects though, eventually proved rather unsuccessful in various countries, often increasing tremendously the inequality gap between the poor and the rich, thus making the rich richer and the poor poorer. These have been referred to as the winners and the losers of globalization. When the prescribed medicine proved to be short of panacea capabilities, the world reconsidered its views on development and its true definition. Through this process of reassessment and redefining, the development concept evolved and transformed from simply meaning economic growth measured in GDP (in the 50’s-60’s), to a more comprehensive definition, acknowledging that development should be essentially used to mean human development and therefore it should encompass areas like health, life longevity, education access etc. This was a revolutionary transformation which led to many subsequent improvements and progress.
In 1987, the concept of sustainable development was put forward officially for the first time in the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, called “Our Common Future” [5]. It was used to mean "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Nevertheless, it was not until the mid-90’s and especially in the new millennium, that people have started to really understand, appreciate and pursue sustainable development, as a comprehensive, effective and necessary development approach. Before this, multinational corporations (MNCs) benefited largely from the unequal distribution of wealth, served political interests, used ‘sweat shops’ to pursue higher profits and were considered the biggest beneficiaries of the process of globalization. Many people blamed both, governments for their inability to control the MNCs and the corporations themselves, for impoverishing the already destitute people and becoming rich through sacrificing the development of these people.
In these rather uncertain, transitional times, a new phenomenon arose. Of course, it has existed in many forms since the early mission trips across the globe started, but its extent and functions had never been as broad and as distinguished as they have been since the 90’s. This phenomenon is known as ‘community service’ and ‘community-based development’. Despite the various programs the UN and its agencies had launched throughout the years, it was increasingly apparent that the gap between the rich and the poor in many countries is broadening rather than shrinking and it was becoming more difficult to reach the really poor and needy and provide them with the necessary services. Not only this, but, since most ‘third world’ countries were (and some continue to be) under a semi-authoritarian, authoritarian regime and lacked transparency, suffered from chronic corruption and regularly misused the funds they received, therefore, the provision of help was undermined and often, the most destitute never saw the humanitarian aid sent through big agencies.
I first became acquainted with the term ‘community service’ when I arrived in the USA. It was the year 2001 and I was sponsored by Rotary International with a full-year ambassadorial scholarship. The spring of 2002 a bunch of ladies from my college and I went off to Macon, Georgia to participate in a one week spree of constructing 12 houses for a poor neighborhood, with another 300 students from around the US. The experience taught me what it means to belong to a community and to serve a community. The entire community was involved in its own reconstruction (renovation) and everyone was a part of everyone else’s life, committing their time and efforts to assure each other’s wellbeing and better future. This is the principle by which Habitat for Humanity, the organization in holding the event, operates, and it has contributed to the building of thousands of affordable houses around the globe, but even more importantly, it has built communities, which are now better equipped to face the challenges of life. The spirit of belonging to a community truly inspires people to put more efforts, to perform better; it also gives them a sense of belonging and dignity. In the bible Jesus said, ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ [6] and through community service and community building, one can truly learn to love, appreciate and cooperate with his/her neighbor. This is, one of the foundations for sustainable development.
More and more non-profit organizations started working on the ground, establishing grass-root organizations which possessed the knowledge of the specific needs and desires of the given communities and therefore were quite successful in delivering just the right services to the most needy. The bottom-up development approach transformed the landscape of development. In this new landscape, the most important engines of development became the citizens and members of the community, as parts of a whole, not separate parts. They were not to remain passive recipients of aid anymore, but they were to be empowered to realize their full potential and escape the vicious cycle of poverty.
In the beginning of this process of transformation, private enterprises did not play a significant role and were rather isolated, only participating in the development process through seldom charity events and donations. This was largely due to their own wrong perception that no profit could be generated through helping the poorest, and as companies, their goal is to generate as much profit as they can, whilst the role of the government is to provide for the poor. Another obstacle for the active involvement of corporations in the development process was the suspicion with which they were looked upon by skeptics, who believed that nothing good can come out of engaging the ‘profit-generating machines’ in non-profit generating activities. Corporations were often associated with immoral and unethical behavior, mostly comparable with the Karl Marx’s description of capitalism and the monopolists who exploited the working class. Such stories were not rare, especially the evidence of wide-spread use of child labor and ‘sweat shops’ established in various developing countries. At the same time, the belief that many corporations used neocolonial style techniques to strip the raw- material rich countries from their resources and not really bring any development to them, was pervasive [7]. Nevertheless, this was soon to change. First of all, the concept of sustainable development gained ground and prompted many companies to reconsider their activities and especially the impact they have on the environment and on human development. The UN Global Compact Initiative, the world’s largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative, was established. The companies participating in this initiative, have to adhere to the ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption [8] . These principles have served to assure the important role that private enterprises have come to play in the process of development and globalization. The principle of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) also became popular and is increasingly becoming imperative for companies to adopt as part of their core programs. People demand transparency and accountability from companies and it is increasingly becoming a common knowledge that the role of private enterprises and businesses, in general, in achieving the common goals of humankind for development is crucial. CSR does not simply imply charity events and donations, but a transformation of the core values of private enterprises, working together with all other international and local actors to establish a society based on the principle of sustainable development.
A development that brought all actors on the international stage together is the so-called ‘international community’ phenomenon. This concept has gained much interest and attention in the last decade and it is increasingly believed that an international community is arising, which shares common goals and ideas, and which, united, can achieve much progress and development.
In the year 2000, during the Millennium Summit, the UN General Assembly adopted the “Millennium Declaration”, focusing on the essential principles of sustainable development that all countries should adhere to. Following the adoption of the declaration, the international community, including governments, government-based organizations, non-government organizations etc. actors, all agreed upon eight common development goals, later known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which have to be achieved by the year 2015 [9]. These common goals have urges and stimulated the entire international community to unite efforts in the fight against poverty, inequality, and towards justice, peace, and sustainable development. Goal number 8 recognizes the significant role that the economy and especially free markets, play in enhancing the development of the least developed countries. Some of its targets include more cooperation with the private sector in bringing new technologies to the poor and increasing their opportunities for more fair access to markets.
Since the adoption of the MDGs by the international community, a multitude of different efforts, varying in scope and success, have been launched to assure the achievement of the goals. One of the key features of these efforts has been the active participation of the local communities and their empowerment. Despite the definite need of the state to create and implement pro-poor development policies, like poverty reduction plans etc., the need for bottom-up development approach has become more and more widely accepted. It is exactly there that a new kind of economic activity has spread and has born many fruits. Microfinance. In the past, private enterprises, banks, etc. considered microfinancing, especially microfinancing targeted towards the poorest, a waste of time and resources, since it was believed that these people cannot benefit from it, cannot generate profit, and cannot operate efficiently. Therefore, often times, companies and other donors preferred to send aid, rather than to invest in equipping the poor communities with entrepreneurship skills. Nevertheless, this time has passed and “to date, a successful microfinance industry has been built that is effective in reaching millions of poor people, in providing them with financial services, and in reducing their poverty”[10]. Even though “like many other development tools [microfinance] has insufficiently penetrated the poorer strata of society”[11] , in recent years more and more emphasis is put on the improvement of the services of microfinance institutions (MFIs) to ensure their successful outreach to the most underprivileged communities and people. MFIs have been instrumental in empowering entire communities, especially women, previously denied the right to perform economic activity. The importance of entrepreneurship has been widely acknowledged as a rather optimal choice for development. One of the recent examples of a leader in great favor of promoting empowerment of the communities through entrepreneurship is the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, who has put forward an ambitious plan to transform its country into an entrepreneurship society.
What is, after all, the link between globalization, community and character? In recent years, globalization, defined as the rising global civic community, involved in the building of a better future for all, fighting for the eradication of extreme poverty and striving to bring equality and justice to all communities, has been instrumental in empowering local communities and bringing the benefits of the process to the poorest. The catch phrase “Think globally, act locally” is not simply a phrase anymore, it is reality. It is the way forward, the right development approach which builds active and socially responsible citizens, aware of the problems of their communities and involved in solving these problems! Therefore, globalization has the potential to bring up a new generation of global citizens, who think both globally and locally, as well, as contribute to the development of even the most impoverished communities.
The pursuit of human development, and not just blind economic growth has become the core goal of the international community. It is true that globalization has contributed greatly toward the increased levels of inequality present in the world now, but globalization is also the key to solving this problem, and delivering a better future to all.
The key to the success in the fight against poverty is for communities, enterprises, governments, NGOs etc. members of the international community to unite efforts and meet the challenges and opportunities together. United, their unique contributions of funding, technical skills, know-how or strategy are able to bring about tangible, positive and lasting change in the world.
Can character and communities survive in an age of globalization then? Yes. Even more so than before, because communities have started to arise, to unite, to be empowered and to seek their own well-being, while globalization has the potential to equip them with the necessary tools to reach their goals faster, more efficiently. People’s mind-sets have started to transform as well, and from being self-centered and seeking their own good alone, they have began to realize the great joy and harmony that exist in sharing responsibilities and benefits. Now, this is a major shift in character! Globalization has lured us with prospects for quick success and development, but here and now, we have the chance to experience a different aspect of its multi-faceted nature. Globalization has stirred the passion and desire in communities and individuals to unite and act together, to fight and achieve together, to become confident and responsible citizens, whose aim is to make their backyard, neighborhood, village, town, country and ultimately the world a better, more just and more equal place! All that is needed is enough will and faith in the power that arises when people are willing to put aside their differences and focus their strengths, talents, and resources on achieving their common goals!
[1] Tulchin S. Joseph, Gary Bland ed., Getting Globalization Right – the Dilemmas of Inequality, (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder London), 2005, p.2
[2] Ibid, 2
[3] The United Nations Ministerial Conference of the Least Developed Countries, ‘Making Globalization Work for the LDCs’, Turkey, 2007
[4] Ibid, 5
[6] Bible, NIV, Rom.13:9
[7] Moon Jeremy, The Contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility to Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development, 15, 206-306 (2007) (accessed through Wiley InterScience,
[10] Daley-Harris Sam ed., Pathways out of Poverty, Kumarian Press, Inc, 2002, p.4
[11] Ibid, 5
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
"I AM POWERFUL!" - Defending Dignity. Fighting Poverty.
Read my blog post from Nov.30 - "SHE is!"to read more about the power potential hidden within a single woman!
I cannot remember the name of the song playing on the background of this video clip, so, please, if anyone knows it, please share it with me!
As for the women in these video, all I can say is, these are the heroes of our world, often abused, mistreated, enslaved, forgotten, silenced, ignored or else...they, nevertheless, persevere and and look bravely into the eyes of the Future..with Hope and Faith, that they will have a chance to live better lives...or that they will at least have a chance to provide their kids with better lives!
I admire these women. For me, they are the pillars of society, the strongholds of all families, the fighters for survival!
Let us honor them instead of neglecting them, exalt them instead of humiliating them, empower them instead of ignoring them! Only then, will the world become a better place and we, all, will have equal chances to develop our full potential and enjoy free and happy lives!!!
My call is for all those who have ever mistreated a woman in any way, even only by verbally harassing her, to stop and think about it.
Women are no threat to men's power or honor, they are a power on their own. One kind of power does not necessarily have to collide with another, they can complement each other.
But this can happen only when men realize that women are created to be their partners, not subordinates, not slaves, not objects of sexual desire, but equal partners. Only then, can there be true partnerships between men and women and true human development based on equality and justice!
Nevertheless, we still see so many abuses against women and girls, all around the globe. Most of these 'incidents' (evil deeds) have been the acts of weak and insecure men who need to find victims to pay for their failures or just to assert their position and 'power'. Many cultures still tolerate, to say the least, these crooked 'values' and deny women free access to education, property, and equal treatment, view my article "The High Price for Pursuing Knowledge in Some Parts of the Developing World" .
We need to also acknowledge the affects that modernization and globalization have brought upon women and men alike, around the world. Often times, this transitional period - the process of modernization and development of a society - has caused much damage to women, has shaken the traditional values and cultural habits of many communities and has brought fear, insecurity and chaos. Recently, I listened to BBC news and the reporters talked about the rising degree of sexual harassment among young people in Egypt. They conducted interviews with victims of sexual harassment and with sociologists and other experts, who tried to explain the reasons behind this new disturbing trend. I wanted to write about it in a separate article, but I will just sketch briefly their arguments here. The experts (women) talked about the transitional period in which the Egyptian society is, the transformation of power relations, the hard economic times etc. They emphasized that the increase of violence against women is the symptom of the deeply embedded social problems within the society. For example, economic problems lead to the inability of young men to pay dowries, which in turn impedes them from getting married and being recognized as successful and mature men. The sense of failure leads to intensified frustration, which in turn is materialized in the form of sexual harassment. In comparison with the past, now,many more young people postpone marriage. The estimated number of single men and women over 30years old in Egypt, at the moment, is 9million! This is a striking figure for a society, in which traditionally, girls were getting married before their 20s. Of course, another reason for the delay in marriage is that women have been given the chance to pursue higher education. This trend, on the other hand, just like we discussed earlier, constitute a threat to men (or so they believe) and again materialize in the form of violence. Traditional ways have been disrupted and the process of modernization hasn't been completed, therefore, many social problems arise, and often the victims are no one else, but women!
Stereotypes, stigmas, and cultural prejudices have been serious obstacles to the empowerment of women as well, but there is one sure way out of this unequal equation and it is education! education = empowerment ! Education not just for girls and women, but also for boys and grown-up men (some Microfinance institutions have already set special courses to break the existing stigmas and stereotypes within the given communities and to assure men that it is beneficial to all if women are empowered and that they do not constitute a threat to them). More efforts need to be put in offering courses that offer redefining of the meaning of 'man' and 'masculine', because often, men act upon a certain situation as they believe their society expects them to, in order to fit the role of 'men', which they have been assigned. Failing to play that role, they believe, will cause them shame and rejection by other men. NGO's need to put more emphasis on empowering both men and women, by building up man and women who respect each other and complement each other! Men need to be told that there is nothing manly to hit a woman or rape a girl! Men have been created physically stronger, but not to hit women, but to protect them!
Women are not a threat to society but a blessing! Their self-sacrificial nature and fearless spirit are sure cornerstones for building up a truly harmonious community! Don't step on them, but let them grow and they will bear good fruits from which we, all, will benefit! Don't silence them, but let them speak up, and you will see unleashed a powerful source of energy, inspiration and love! Don't be silent! Speak up on their behalf today! Don't remain indifferent, invest in the life of one woman...and you will see big harvest!
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The Voice of Chinese Intellectuals Hungry for Freedom and Democracy!- CHARTER 08

my nota
In the light of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year, and the celebrations of the World Human Rights Day, yesterday (10.12.08), this charter gives voice to the aspirations and dreams of millions of people around the world, and in this case, particularly in China.
This is a remarkable document outlining some of the essential reforms which China needs to undertake in order to become a truly democratic and constitutional great power!
I am fascinated by the explicit content, simple, yet provoking, subtle, yet deep and truthful.
You have to be aware that by making this document public, these brave men have exposed their lives to great danger and threat of detention and imprisonment (as some already were) or persecution!
The fight for freedom is a noble one and I fully support it. One of the greatest Bulgarian writers during the Bulgarian fight for independence from the Ottoman rule, Luben Karavelov, has said about freedom: "Without freedom, a person cannot call him/herself a person, he/she is half a person; without freedom, a person cannot be such, as he/she was created to be, therefore, he/she cannot be happy." When we consider the voices of these people, their vision for modern China, their 'prescriptions' for 'healing' the country's longstanding 'diseases', let us reason together, not be extreme in our views, but rather envision the process of transformation that China needs to choose, in order to become a country of free men and women, who fully enjoy all their human rights and live happy and 'harmonious lives'.
After all, isn't this exactly what the Communist Party strives for? If so, then it shouldn't feel threatened by calls for change and transformations, but rather engage in meaningful debates and consider all opinions. It is said in the bible that a king with many advisers will prosper, therefore, I urge the ruling party to use this opportunity and show the world that it has the will to become not only an economic miracle, but a human rights miracle! This is not to say that China needs to follow the western democratic model and copy blindly and rapidly all aspects of it. On the contrary, the great demand for more open and engaging debates is necessary to facilitate the process of determining a rather fitting model of democratization and political reforms. Let us not forget that Deng Xiao Ping, himself, said political democratization will come after stability and economic progress. Well, is the time ripe? These intellectuals believe it is.
Translated from the Chinese by Perry Link
The following text of Charter 08, signed by hundreds of Chinese intellectuals and translated and introduced by Perry Link, Professor of Chinese Literature at the University of California, Riverside, will be published in the issue of The New York Review dated January 15, which goes on sale on January 2.
The document below, signed by over three hundred prominent Chinese citizens, was conceived and written in conscious admiration of the founding of Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, where, in January 1977, more than two hundred Czech and Slovak intellectuals formed a
loose, informal, and open association of people... united by the will to strive individually and collectively for respect for human and civil rights in our country and throughout the world.
The Chinese document calls not for ameliorative reform of the current political system but for an end to some of its essential features, including one-party rule, and their replacement with a system based on human rights and democracy.
The prominent citizens who have signed the document are from both outside and inside the government, and include not only well-known dissidents and intellectuals, but also middle-level officials and rural leaders. They have chosen December 10, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as the day on which to express their political ideas and to outline their vision of a constitutional, democratic China. They intend “Charter 08” to serve as a blueprint for fundamental political change in China in the years to come. The signers of the document will form an informal group, open-ended in size but united by a determination to promote democratization and protection of human rights in China and beyond.
On December 8 two prominent signers of the Charter, Zhang Zuhua and Liu Xiaobo, were detained by the police. Zhang Zuhua has since been released; as of December 9, Liu Xiabo remains in custody.
I. Foreword
A hundred years have passed since the writing of China’s first constitution. 2008 also marks the sixtieth anniversary of the promulgation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the thirtieth anniversary of the appearance of Democracy Wall in Beijing, and the tenth of China’s signing of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. We are approaching the twentieth anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre of pro-democracy student protesters. The Chinese people, who have endured human rights disasters and uncountable struggles across these same years, now include many who see clearly that freedom, equality, and human rights are universal values of humankind and that democracy and constitutional government are the fundamental framework for protecting these values.
By departing from these values, the Chinese government’s approach to “modernization” has proven disastrous. It has stripped people of their rights, destroyed their dignity, and corrupted normal human intercourse. So we ask: Where is China headed in the twenty-first century? Will it continue with “modernization” under authoritarian rule, or will it embrace universal human values, join the mainstream of civilized nations, and build a democratic system? There can be no avoiding these questions.
The shock of the Western impact upon China in the nineteenth century laid bare a decadent authoritarian system and marked the beginning of what is often called “the greatest changes in thousands of years” for China. A “self-strengthening movement” followed, but this aimed simply at appropriating the technology to build gunboats and other Western material objects. China’s humiliating naval defeat at the hands of Japan in 1895 only confirmed the obsolescence of China’s system of government. The first attempts at modern political change came with the ill-fated summer of reforms in 1898, but these were cruelly crushed by ultraconservatives at China’s imperial court. With the revolution of 1911, which inaugurated Asia’s first republic, the authoritarian imperial system that had lasted for centuries was finally supposed to have been laid to rest. But social conflict inside our country and external pressures were to prevent it; China fell into a patchwork of warlord fiefdoms and the new republic became a fleeting dream.
The failure of both “self-strengthening” and political renovation caused many of our forebears to reflect deeply on whether a “cultural illness” was afflicting our country. This mood gave rise, during the May Fourth Movement of the late 1910s, to the championing of “science and democracy.” Yet that effort, too, foundered as warlord chaos persisted and the Japanese invasion [beginning in Manchuria in 1931] brought national crisis.
Victory over Japan in 1945 offered one more chance for China to move toward modern government, but the Communist defeat of the Nationalists in the civil war thrust the nation into the abyss of totalitarianism. The “new China” that emerged in 1949 proclaimed that “the people are sovereign” but in fact set up a system in which “the Party is all-powerful.” The Communist Party of China seized control of all organs of the state and all political, economic, and social resources, and, using these, has produced a long trail of human rights disasters, including, among many others, the Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957), the Great Leap Forward (1958–1960), the Cultural Revolution (1966–1969), the June Fourth (Tiananmen Square) Massacre (1989), and the current repression of all unauthorized religions and the suppression of the weiquan rights movement [a movement that aims to defend citizens’ rights promulgated in the Chinese Constitution and to fight for human rights recognized by international conventions that the Chinese government has signed]. During all this, the Chinese people have paid a gargantuan price. Tens of millions have lost their lives, and several generations have seen their freedom, their happiness, and their human dignity cruelly trampled.
During the last two decades of the twentieth century the government policy of “Reform and Opening” gave the Chinese people relief from the pervasive poverty and totalitarianism of the Mao Zedong era and brought substantial increases in the wealth and living standards of many Chinese as well as a partial restoration of economic freedom and economic rights. Civil society began to grow, and popular calls for more rights and more political freedom have grown apace. As the ruling elite itself moved toward private ownership and the market economy, it began to shift from an outright rejection of “rights” to a partial acknowledgment of them.
In 1998 the Chinese government signed two important international human rights conventions; in 2004 it amended its constitution to include the phrase “respect and protect human rights”; and this year, 2008, it has promised to promote a “national human rights action plan.” Unfortunately most of this political progress has extended no further than the paper on which it is written. The political reality, which is plain for anyone to see, is that China has many laws but no rule of law; it has a constitution but no constitutional government. The ruling elite continues to cling to its authoritarian power and fights off any move toward political change.
The stultifying results are endemic official corruption, an undermining of the rule of law, weak human rights, decay in public ethics, crony capitalism, growing inequality between the wealthy and the poor, pillage of the natural environment as well as of the human and historical environments, and the exacerbation of a long list of social conflicts, especially, in recent times, a sharpening animosity between officials and ordinary people.
As these conflicts and crises grow ever more intense, and as the ruling elite continues with impunity to crush and to strip away the rights of citizens to freedom, to property, and to the pursuit of happiness, we see the powerless in our society—the vulnerable groups, the people who have been suppressed and monitored, who have suffered cruelty and even torture, and who have had no adequate avenues for their protests, no courts to hear their pleas—becoming more militant and raising the possibility of a violent conflict of disastrous proportions. The decline of the current system has reached the point where change is no longer optional.
II. Our Fundamental Principles
This is a historic moment for China, and our future hangs in the balance. In reviewing the political modernization process of the past hundred years or more, we reiterate and endorse basic universal values as follows:
Freedom. Freedom is at the core of universal human values. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom in where to live, and the freedoms to strike, to demonstrate, and to protest, among others, are the forms that freedom takes. Without freedom, China will always remain far from civilized ideals.
Human rights. Human rights are not bestowed by a state. Every person is born with inherent rights to dignity and freedom. The government exists for the protection of the human rights of its citizens. The exercise of state power must be authorized by the people. The succession of political disasters in China’s recent history is a direct consequence of the ruling regime’s disregard for human rights.
Equality. The integrity, dignity, and freedom of every person—regardless of social station, occupation, sex, economic condition, ethnicity, skin color, religion, or political belief—are the same as those of any other. Principles of equality before the law and equality of social, economic, cultural, civil, and political rights must be upheld.
Republicanism. Republicanism, which holds that power should be balanced among different branches of government and competing interests should be served, resembles the traditional Chinese political ideal of “fairness in all under heaven.” It allows different interest groups and social assemblies, and people with a variety of cultures and beliefs, to exercise democratic self-government and to deliberate in order to reach peaceful resolution of public questions on a basis of equal access to government and free and fair competition.
Democracy. The most fundamental principles of democracy are that the people are sovereign and the people select their government. Democracy has these characteristics: (1) Political power begins with the people and the legitimacy of a regime derives from the people. (2) Political power is exercised through choices that the people make. (3) The holders of major official posts in government at all levels are determined through periodic competitive elections. (4) While honoring the will of the majority, the fundamental dignity, freedom, and human rights of minorities are protected. In short, democracy is a modern means for achieving government truly “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Constitutional rule. Constitutional rule is rule through a legal system and legal regulations to implement principles that are spelled out in a constitution. It means protecting the freedom and the rights of citizens, limiting and defining the scope of legitimate government power, and providing the administrative apparatus necessary to serve these ends.
III. What We Advocate
Authoritarianism is in general decline throughout the world; in China, too, the era of emperors and overlords is on the way out. The time is arriving everywhere for citizens to be masters of states. For China the path that leads out of our current predicament is to divest ourselves of the authoritarian notion of reliance on an “enlightened overlord” or an “honest official” and to turn instead toward a system of liberties, democracy, and the rule of law, and toward fostering the consciousness of modern citizens who see rights as fundamental and participation as a duty. Accordingly, and in a spirit of this duty as responsible and constructive citizens, we offer the following recommendations on national governance, citizens’ rights, and social development:
1. A New Constitution. We should recast our present constitution, rescinding its provisions that contradict the principle that sovereignty resides with the people and turning it into a document that genuinely guarantees human rights, authorizes the exercise of public power, and serves as the legal underpinning of China’s democratization. The constitution must be the highest law in the land, beyond violation by any individual, group, or political party.
2. Separation of powers. We should construct a modern government in which the separation of legislative, judicial, and executive power is guaranteed. We need an Administrative Law that defines the scope of government responsibility and prevents abuse of administrative power. Government should be responsible to taxpayers. Division of power between provincial governments and the central government should adhere to the principle that central powers are only those specifically granted by the constitution and all other powers belong to the local governments.
3. Legislative democracy. Members of legislative bodies at all levels should be chosen by direct election, and legislative democracy should observe just and impartial principles.
4. An Independent Judiciary. The rule of law must be above the interests of any particular political party and judges must be independent. We need to establish a constitutional supreme court and institute procedures for constitutional review. As soon as possible, we should abolish all of the Committees on Political and Legal Affairs that now allow Communist Party officials at every level to decide politically-sensitive cases in advance and out of court. We should strictly forbid the use of public offices for private purposes.
5. Public Control of Public Servants. The military should be made answerable to the national government, not to a political party, and should be made more professional. Military personnel should swear allegiance to the constitution and remain nonpartisan. Political party organizations shall be prohibited in the military. All public officials including police should serve as nonpartisans, and the current practice of favoring one political party in the hiring of public servants must end.
6. Guarantee of Human Rights. There shall be strict guarantees of human rights and respect for human dignity. There should be a Human Rights Committee, responsible to the highest legislative body, that will prevent the government from abusing public power in violation of human rights. A democratic and constitutional China especially must guarantee the personal freedom of citizens. No one shall suffer illegal arrest, detention, arraignment, interrogation, or punishment. The system of “Reeducation through Labor” must be abolished.
7. Election of Public Officials. There shall be a comprehensive system of democratic elections based on “one person, one vote.” The direct election of administrative heads at the levels of county, city, province, and nation should be systematically implemented. The rights to hold periodic free elections and to participate in them as a citizen are inalienable.
8. Rural–Urban Equality. The two-tier household registry system must be abolished. This system favors urban residents and harms rural residents. We should establish instead a system that gives every citizen the same constitutional rights and the same freedom to choose where to live.
9. Freedom to Form Groups. The right of citizens to form groups must be guaranteed. The current system for registering nongovernment groups, which requires a group to be “approved,” should be replaced by a system in which a group simply registers itself. The formation of political parties should be governed by the constitution and the laws, which means that we must abolish the special privilege of one party to monopolize power and must guarantee principles of free and fair competition among political parties.
10. Freedom to Assemble. The constitution provides that peaceful assembly, demonstration, protest, and freedom of expression are fundamental rights of a citizen. The ruling party and the government must not be permitted to subject these to illegal interference or unconstitutional obstruction.
11. Freedom of Expression. We should make freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and academic freedom universal, thereby guaranteeing that citizens can be informed and can exercise their right of political supervision. These freedoms should be upheld by a Press Law that abolishes political restrictions on the press. The provision in the current Criminal Law that refers to “the crime of incitement to subvert state power” must be abolished. We should end the practice of viewing words as crimes.
12. Freedom of Religion. We must guarantee freedom of religion and belief and institute a separation of religion and state. There must be no governmental interference in peaceful religious activities. We should abolish any laws, regulations, or local rules that limit or suppress the religious freedom of citizens. We should abolish the current system that requires religious groups (and their places of worship) to get official approval in advance and substitute for it a system in which registry is optional and, for those who choose to register, automatic.
13. Civic Education. In our schools we should abolish political curriculums and examinations that are designed to indoctrinate students in state ideology and to instill support for the rule of one party. We should replace them with civic education that advances universal values and citizens’ rights, fosters civic consciousness, and promotes civic virtues that serve society.
14. Protection of Private Property. We should establish and protect the right to private property and promote an economic system of free and fair markets. We should do away with government monopolies in commerce and industry and guarantee the freedom to start new enterprises. We should establish a Committee on State-Owned Property, reporting to the national legislature, that will monitor the transfer of state-owned enterprises to private ownership in a fair, competitive, and orderly manner. We should institute a land reform that promotes private ownership of land, guarantees the right to buy and sell land, and allows the true value of private property to be adequately reflected in the market.
15. Financial and Tax Reform. We should establish a democratically regulated and accountable system of public finance that ensures the protection of taxpayer rights and that operates through legal procedures. We need a system by which public revenues that belong to a certain level of government—central, provincial, county or local—are controlled at that level. We need major tax reform that will abolish any unfair taxes, simplify the tax system, and spread the tax burden fairly. Government officials should not be able to raise taxes, or institute new ones, without public deliberation and the approval of a democratic assembly. We should reform the ownership system in order to encourage competition among a wider variety of market participants.
16. Social Security. We should establish a fair and adequate social security system that covers all citizens and ensures basic access to education, health care, retirement security, and employment.
17. Protection of the Environment. We need to protect the natural environment and to promote development in a way that is sustainable and responsible to our descendents and to the rest of humanity. This means insisting that the state and its officials at all levels not only do what they must do to achieve these goals, but also accept the supervision and participation of non-governmental organizations.
18. A Federated Republic. A democratic China should seek to act as a responsible major power contributing toward peace and development in the Asian Pacific region by approaching others in a spirit of equality and fairness. In Hong Kong and Macao, we should support the freedoms that already exist. With respect to Taiwan, we should declare our commitment to the principles of freedom and democracy and then, negotiating as equals, and ready to compromise, seek a formula for peaceful unification. We should approach disputes in the national-minority areas of China with an open mind, seeking ways to find a workable framework within which all ethnic and religious groups can flourish. We should aim ultimately at a federation of democratic communities of China.
19. Truth in Reconciliation. We should restore the reputations of all people, including their family members, who suffered political stigma in the political campaigns of the past or who have been labeled as criminals because of their thought, speech, or faith. The state should pay reparations to these people. All political prisoners and prisoners of conscience must be released. There should be a Truth Investigation Commission charged with finding the facts about past injustices and atrocities, determining responsibility for them, upholding justice, and, on these bases, seeking social reconciliation.
China, as a major nation of the world, as one of five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, and as a member of the UN Council on Human Rights, should be contributing to peace for humankind and progress toward human rights. Unfortunately, we stand today as the only country among the major nations that remains mired in authoritarian politics. Our political system continues to produce human rights disasters and social crises, thereby not only constricting China’s own development but also limiting the progress of all of human civilization. This must change, truly it must. The democratization of Chinese politics can be put off no longer.
Accordingly, we dare to put civic spirit into practice by announcing Charter 08. We hope that our fellow citizens who feel a similar sense of crisis, responsibility, and mission, whether they are inside the government or not, and regardless of their social status, will set aside small differences to embrace the broad goals of this citizens’ movement. Together we can work for major changes in Chinese society and for the rapid establishment of a free, democratic, and constitutional country. We can bring to reality the goals and ideals that our people have incessantly been seeking for more than a hundred years, and can bring a brilliant new chapter to Chinese civilization.
—translated from the Chinese by Perry Link
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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Human Rights Day - Dignity and Justice for ALL of us!

Today is the World Human Rights Day. In the light of the marking of the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this year (, it will be appropriate to reflect on these rights, their meaning and their practice around the world. It is of great importance that we acknowledge today, the progress and efforts made both internationally and domestically by most countries to conform and make these 30 articles into common practices. Nevertheless, despite the great improvements accomplished throughout the last 60 years in bringing human rights to the the front table of international and domestic debates, as well as, improving the lives of millions of people around the world, human rights abuses continue to be a major problem in many parts of the world. Often times these fundamental rights, which are meant to give an equal chance to everyone to enjoy a life during which one can develop their full potential and be happy, are denied to the individuals and are nothing more but articles on paper. Therefore, it is the duty of all humankind to defend and fight for these rights and to assure their enjoyment by all people, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status... (Article 2) ! If we fail to do that, we lose what defines us - our 'humanity'; if we choose to close our eyes for the injustices
SELECTED ARTICLES Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal. Article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration... Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security. Article 4: No-one shall be held in slavery or servitude. Article 5: No-one shall be subjected to torture. Article 6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. Article 9: No-one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest. Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought. Article 20: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Article 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family... Article 26: Everyone has the right to education. Article 28: Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. Article 29: Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. Do you enjoy all these rights? Think about it, if you do, you are more blessed than millions of people around the world, who have been denied the right to enjoy some (few or all) of these rights! |

Governments should be held responsible for not adhering to this declaration and should be held accountable for their actions, even though these actions might be within their sovereign territory!
Ignorance is not bliss as some conventional wisdom wants us to believe. Ignorance and Indifference are instruments for total annihilation! They invite only more abuse, only more torture, only more disrespect of the rights of everyone to live a free and good life.
Beware then! and BE AWARE! Don't sit back and skip the news or stories that tell the of the afflicted, tortured, the raped, the abused, the murdered, the enslaved, the unjustly imprisoned...!
STAND UP against all these! and defend the defenseless! : " Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the right of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Prov.31:8-9
Happy Human Rights Day Everyone!!!
Let us unite and believe together! Let us join hands and efforts and ensure that really everyone will be able to enjoy these fundamental human rights!
p.s. I intend to write more concrete stories reflecting on the various human rights. please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions, stories, links, photos etc. thank you!
the photos used are from . This is a cartoon exhibition organized by the UN to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights! These cartoons are truly thought-provoking!
Check out the rest!
'MY FREEDOM' (and everyone else's for that matter)

I need FREEDOM to grow and develop my full potential! I need FREEDOM to be all that God wants me to be! I need FREEDOM to dream, to pursue my happiness, to express my opinion, to believe in my God! I need FREEDOM to blossom and bear good fruits! I need FREEDOM to spread my branches and extend them to reach the stars!
Nobody has the right to hold back from me MY FREEDOM!
Nobody is entitled to my FREEDOM but me! Nobody can purchase my FREEDOM! Nobody can abuse and misuse my FREEDOM! Nobody can exchange my FREEDOM for their own profit or interest! My FREEDOM is not an item, tax-free! My FREEDOM is not a commodity or a luxury! My FREEDOM is not subject to corrupted officials, dictators or any other self-righteous leaders!
My freedom is mine to be! My FREEDOM is not chained! My freedom is FREE!
Amartya Sen, "Development as Freedom", 2000.
Check out the rest!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Нашият обществен живот - Luben Karavelov
I will translate its essence soon.
Neshto, koeto mi haresa strashno mnogo!
В 1867 аз имах щастие да се опозная с негово мудрословие (тая дума вземам из “Македония”) отца Балабанова, когото преди малко време разстриже българският народ. Нашето познанство стана така. Една заран дойде при мене един из бялградските сватове, който имаше обичай да знае и кой е дошъл, и кой отишъл, и кой е родил, и кой се е родил, и рече ми твърде многозначително:
- Дошъл е из Френско един наш българин, който знае много науки... Аз озарана ходих при него...Добър човек, учен човек...Като проговори дума, то мед му закапе из устата... А държи се достойнствено – като княз...
Тия хвалби ме накараха да ида и аз и да видя тоя учен човек, ако и да не обичам медът. Отидох в гостилницата, в която беше кацнал нашият синигер, т.е. негово слословие, и почуках на вратата.
- Антре! – проговори слословието.
Влязох и намерих черни панталони, бяло елече, черносин суртук, лъскави кундури, шарена вратовръзка, гиздави мустаки, златен кьостек и бяла като сняг риза, в които се намираше обвиен отец Балабанов. Захванахме се да си приказваме за едно, за друго; но все за големи работи като, например, за Наполеона, за турската политика, за сръбските министри, за бялградската крепост и пр. Трябва да ви кажа, че в тоя същия ден, когато аз у з р я х отца Балабанова в първи и последни път, турците излазяха из бялградската крепост и сръбската войска се готвеше да влезе в нея.
- Хайде да идеме и ние на Калемейдан и да погледаме на сръбското тържество и на турското унижение – казах аз отцу Балабанову.
- Нямам ръкавици...Пращах момчето да ми купи; но дюкяните били затворени – отговори о. Балабанов.
- Какви ръкавици! – казах аз. – Вие не сте в Париж, а в Бялград...
Отец Балабанов послуша моя съвет, облече са, и ние излязохме на улицата. Разбира се, че в онзи тържествен за Сърбия ден хората вървяха надоле – нагоре по улиците, като мравето през марта; но между тия мраве ръкавици имаше твърде малко.
Дойдохме до Калемейдан. Г.Балабанов ме хвана за ръкавът и рече ми:
- Аз ще се върна.
- Защо? – попитах аз.
- Мене ме е срам да се вовирам между черният (простият) народ.
А знаете ли що направих аз, като чух тия Балабанови думи? Оставих го да търси благородните ръкавици и отидох да се вовирам между простите смъртни. “Какво ли ще да прави г.Балабанов, когато се върне из Франция и донесе в България своите ръкавици?” – си помислих аз, и душата ми почувствува твърде неприятни неща.
Преди няколко години аз чух, че г. Балабанов се върнал и останал в Цариград да търси адвокатско занятие, и че бил назначен за писарин при св. Български синод. В онова време аз си пак припомних ръкавиците. По думите на нашите кореспонденти, Балабанов взимал плата по 20(турски) лири на месецът, китил се, труфил се, помадил се, шпионствувал, продавал братията си и народът си, и всичко това се вършло пак за ръкавици – две лири повече, пет чифта ръкавици повече.
Срам го било да се вовира между простият народ: а не се срамува да се продава на най-низките цариградски души и да променява майка си с един чифт ръкавици!
Срам го било да излезе на улицата без ръкавици; а не се срамува да лиже х. Иванчовите сахани и да върти опашка пред г.Николи!
Срам го било да излезе с по-вехтички дрехи; а не се срамува да лъже, да подличи, да шпионисва и да продава честта си за едно шише гюлево масло!
В Париж човек може да се научи много полезни неща! Питане е после всичко това: защо и за какво не беше избран за писар на българският св. синод други някой българин, или барем чифутин, а именно г. Балабанов?
Аз вече говорих преди малко врече, че у нас са захванали да ценят хората по ръкавиците и по мустаките; а умът им, разумът им и честта им са съвсем маловажни неща. Ако искате доказателства, то ви моля да вземете в ръка латинското “Читалище”, когато се то редактируваше още от отца Балабанов, и вие ще се уверите, че и под високата капела (не черкова, а шапка) твърде често се намира безмозъчие. Всичкото това ме накара да дам на българският народ няколко полезни съвети.
Слушайте братия! Когато се появи между вази един такъв човек, който обича да се кити като жена, то знайте, че с това той иска да покрие своето умствено сиромашество и своята нравствена голота;
когато се появи между вази един такъв човек, който ви говори големи думи, които вие не разбирате, то знайте, че той има празна глава, която не може да веже за едно 2 и 2 е равно на четири;
когато се появи между вази една такава личност, която се умилкува на богатите, а със сиромасите говори презрително, то знайте, че тая личност точи зъби за прасетата ви... Вие сте сити от чорбаджии, не трябват ви вече повече!
Един русин ми разказваше, че у българите съществуват две крайности: българите са или много умни, или много глупави;
или много работни, или големи хайлази;
или много честни, или много безчестни;
или много осторожни, или много луди;
с една дума, между българите се намират такива безчестни хора, каквито вие никъде не би можели да намерите, и обратно. И наистина, разгледайте живота на хаджи Иванча ефенди, погледайте по-внимателно на хаджи Николи, опознайте се с Петраки Златев и пр., и вие ще да се съгласите с гореказаният русин.
А от какво произхожда всичко това? - От нашето подчинено положение, от нашата политическа смърт от нашето гнуснаво возпитание и от нашето още по-гнуснаво образование. Мнозина са вече забележили, че у нас съществуват някакви си еврейски начала; а тая забележка има своето основание. Евреите се раждат така също честни и великодушни, както са се родили и някога Катоновците; но тяхната историческа съдба и тяхното настояще положение са ги накарали да бъдат такива, каквито са днес. Нашето честито правителство гледа на всеки един христиенин като на куче, а това куче има пред неговите очи каква-годе цена само тогава, когато е то богато, а когато е така, то и раята досега нищо повече не е правила освен да събира богатства, т. е. да се старае да се откупи и да избави своят гръб от турската или правителствената тояга. А из всичкото това ние ще да направиме такова заключение, че честността и великодушието не могат да растат в турската империя, защото тия не заслужават никакво уважение от страна на нашите господари турци и фанариоти. У нас честните хора носят название чапкъни; а най-родолюбивите се наричат бунтовници и хайдуци.
И така, нашата нравствена сила е съединена с нашият самостоятелен живот така също, както е съединено и тялото с душата. От нашата политическа независимост зависи нашето нравствено пробуждане, и обратно. За доказателство ние ще да покажем пак на нашият черковен въпрос, който(говориме вече педесети път) ще да си остане въпрос чак дотогава, докато ние не бъдеме освободени политически.
Но аз както казах вече по-горе, че в много отношения е виновато и нашето возпитание и образование. Да докажеме. Нашите бащи са чорбаджии и домашни деспоти, нашите майки са убиени и нищожни създания, нашите учители и возпитатели са развалени същества, нашите пастири са невежи и т. н. Българите трябва съвсем да се превозпитат, да оставят своите турски нрави и обичаи, да залегнат за своето возпитание и образование, да изчистят съвършено византийското гюрбе; а после вече да захванат да живеят човечески. Трябва да кажа, че днешното образование е безполезно: а без образование ние никога няма да достигнеме до никакво добро. Аз моля бога да избави и неприятелите ми от французките возпитаници, както и от техните учители! А българите разказват, че крушата не пада далеч от коренът си. Ето защо и нашият черковен въпрос не може да се реши за наша полза. У нас всичко става за пари, следователно... Тежко и горко на нашият народ, ако той остане дотолкова назад, щото различни шарлатани да защитават интересите му!
Check out the rest!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
SEVEN Fund Student Essay Competition - Turning President Kagame's Vision into Practice

This is an essay I submitted for a competition organized by Seven Fund We had to take the role of president Kagame's main policy adviser and design a policy action plan to turn his vision for the country into practice. He believes that the advancement and development of entrepreneurship should be the main engine for sustainable development and only through this development approach the full potential of the Rwandan people can be realized!
Here is the essay. I welcome and comments, suggestions and opinions.
Due to the lack of time (I got to know about it just a few days ago), my preparation wasn't as extensive, as I would like it to be, but this is at least an initial step.
Enjoy reading! :)
Your Excellency Mr. President Kagame,
In the light of our discussions on the specific policies which Rwanda needs to undertake in order to achieve the goals set in 'Vision 2020' and the Millennium Development Goals, as well as the goals set in the EDPRS (Economic Development Poverty Reduction Strategy) 2008-2012, I have designed the following 24-point policy plan. It was created to cover extensively the top priorities set by you as stated on various occasions. Their focus is unquestionably the development and expansion of the private sector with strong emphasis on entrepreneurship development. These policies do not aim to encompass all possible approaches to achieving the goals, but they are comprehensible enough to grasp some of the key areas of focus in the process. An important feature is the goal for innovation and diversification of options in the process of development.
Our core goal is the eradication of extreme poverty and provision of opportunities for all Rwandan people to develop their full potential and live better, more sustainable lives. The way forward to make this goal a reality constitutes of several important steps, which all aim to empower the disadvantaged and underprivileged groups of society. The first set of policies targets the strengthening and improvement of microfinance within Rwanda, and the second set of policies acknowledges various challenges and opportunities in the development process and maps out ways to overcome the challenges and utilize the opportunities presented to our country.
Our government recognizes the challenge to find feasible development options that take into account the specific realities of Rwanda and in particular the scarcity of skilled labor, lack of basic infrastructure and very low levels of FDI. In order to overcome these challenges, we need to emphasize the central role that microfinance institutions (MFIs) should play in all our efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. MFIs have already proved their efficiency in alleviating poverty and providing opportunities for development, especially to the poorest. There are several aspects in which the government can play an active role in further enhancing their role and facilitating their actions:
1. We need to continue pursuing a strongly pro-poor oriented economic policy and recognize the key role of microfinance services in tackling poverty.
2. We need to continue to encourage MFIs to design poverty-focused microfinance models which will deliver appropriate financial and non-financial products to the most needy. The government can facilitate the provision of some of these services. In order for this to happen, MFIs operating around Rwanda need to have direct connection with the government to inquire information or any other necessary assistance. Therefore, we need to assign a special position within the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Investment Promotion, Tourism and Cooperatives (MCIIPTC) to facilitate the connection and coordinate actions.
3. The government needs to implement solid macroeconomic policies, avoiding high inflation. It is also advisable that it liberalizes the interest rates for microfinance, using competition rather than interest rate ceilings to encourage efficiency and lower interest rates over time.
4. It should also undertake the promotion of performance indicators and standards that encourage transparency and sound performance across the range of institutions engaged in microfinance. This will be accomplished through the establishment of a specialized microfinance rating agency. Simple and rigorous reporting requirements must be set.
5. In order to help MFIs overcome the difficulties they face in achieving financial sustainability, we need to recognize that microfinance is a vital part of the financial system and to get more involved by deploying the government’s financial service infrastructures in a way increasingly intended to meet the demand of most citizens. We need to assure the integration of MFIs into domestic financial markets. We can permit the regulated MFIs that meet prudential standards to mobilize deposits from the public, with more liberal treatment of savings mobilization from MFI borrowers.
6. Another useful measurement can be fair tax treatment, including temporary tax incentives for MFIs undertaking the costs of converting to formal, regulated structures.
7. The government is also responsible for making the public familiar with the way MFIs operate and explain to them the reasons for the higher interest rates for micro-loans in comparison with those for corporate finance.
8. Information and communication technology is the key to facilitating and expanding the scope and breadth of MFIs and their overall impact on poverty alleviation as well as the overall long-term development of the country. In this respect, the government should encourage and invest in providing the technological tools necessary to improve the management of microfinance projects. The most feasible choice will be enhanced technological transfer from donor countries, especially China. We also need to ensure, by monitoring and directing the technological assistance, that it reaches the most vulnerable and destitute. Therefore, close contact with MFIs working on the ground is essential.
9. Special attention must be turned to the needs of women and other vulnerable groups, like orphans or disabled people. Only by acknowledging their specific needs and potential, can Rwanda meet its MDG goals and develop in a sustainable manner. Women’s political empowerment in Rwanda has become a landmark of its development and pioneer spirit, but much more effort needs to be put in empowering women economically. The threat of the ‘feminization of poverty’ in Rwanda is evident. The marginalization of orphans and other disadvantaged groups from the development process is also apparent. Therefore, the government must take measures to transform this disastrous trend. MFIs are especially effective in targeting disadvantaged groups but more effort is needed to ensure the accessibility of micro-credits to women and orphans and their ability to fully benefit from these credits. The government needs to cooperate with MFIs to ensure this. We must take the initiative to gather information on women’s needs and design products specifically to meet those needs. We must ensure that women and women’s perspectives are brought into the governance, management, and implementation of microfinance programs.
The government’s main priority has to be investment in information and communication technologies, thus leading Rwanda towards becoming a knowledge-based economy. We will need the help of partners and great efforts on our side to succeed. But with the right policies in place, this is by no means an unachievable goal. These policies should be designed to tackle the most pressing issues impending Rwanda from achieving rapid and sustainable development. These include lack of skilled labor, lack of infrastructure, especially transport, lack of sustainable energy and lack of technology. Therefore:
10. The government needs to prioritize national policies to build productive capacity in the national development plans, for infrastructure as well as vocational and entrepreneurial skills.
11. To improve the efficiency of tax systems and collection to maximize the contribution of domestic resources to public investment.
12. We must vigorously pursue to attract more investment, both ODA and FDI. The government must turn special attention to China as a source for technological transfer (ICT) and as an infrastructure investor. Rwanda-China relations must be strengthened. Rwanda must continue the current educational exchange program with China which provides technology-related training courses to Rwandan students, who in return need to serve work in Rwanda. It needs to find more partners willing to invest in the development of productive capacities, including productive resources, technological development and innovation in both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, entrepreneurial capabilities and production linkages, and related resources, especially infrastructure and institutions. In this respect, China and other significant partners can play an even more major role and bring know-how, provide the necessary funds to stimulate research and development and investment in education (not only primary, but also secondary and tertiary)! To facilitate this process, we must design an attractive plan to attract China and other partners.
13. In this respect, investment in sustainable energy sources is essential for the overall development. We must define national energy access goals and targets in our macro-development strategies, policies and programs, and estimate the costs to meet the targets. Such clear policies will invite investment into the field. Tax incentives to support the deployment of modern energy technologies will be crucial. We need to reform subsidies to support sustainable development and offer loan guarantees to SMEs building energy businesses in Rwanda. Training and cooperation with other partners must be a priority for building capacity and attracting investment.
14. Public-private partnerships that assist farmers with access to credit, technical assistance, c capacity building, marketing information and crop and product diversification must be established and encouraged. We should also encourage joint research initiatives in different areas, both within the region or internationally and stimulate regional technological sharing.
15. Rwanda needs to extensively research and map out its industries with strong comparative advantages. New industries with the potential to have comparative advantages must be acknowledged and developed in order to stimulate economic diversification.
16. Promoting a green revolution in basic staples should be a priority for the government and we need to persuade partners and donors to share more efficient and environmentally friendly technologies with us.
17. To transform Rwanda into an entrepreneurship country, we need to take a step away from the social welfare and subsidy approach, which doesn’t create a knowledge-based economy. The government needs to remove itself from direct lending to poor people and instead, invest in delivering more training-related services to them, thus empowering them.
18. One way to deliver training and create a favorable environment for research can be the establishment of co-joint workshop training centers, which will be equipped and managed by both Rwandan and Chinese (or others). These centers will provide entrepreneurial skills training with the possibility for connection with MFIs, as well as help for existing small and informal activities to be transformed into organized small-scale enterprises, which will have a greater potential to develop technological capabilities and innovate. We must allocate a greater budget for research and development.
19. Our government needs to encourage and stimulate innovation (in microfinance and economic diversification), which will be the key to any efforts to enhance the economic performance of the country and ensure its long-term sustainable development. In order for this to happen, the government has to ensure the strengthening of the capabilities of entrepreneurs (management and organization) and the labor force (crafts and technical skills, design and engineering skills) as well as the provision of certain financial incentives to stimulate these ( e.g. credit subsidies, tax incentives, and matching grants for innovation projects).
20. We need to explore the great opportunities presented by the so-called “creative economy”. It refers to the interface among creativity, culture, economics and technology, as expressed in the ability to create and circulate intellectual capital, which in turn has the potential to generate income, jobs and export earnings while at the same time promoting social inclusion, cultural diversity and human development.
21. In order to achieve this, we should undertake various initiatives. First, establish a body in charge of mapping inventors of cultural assets and industries, market development through promotion of the creative industries both domestically and internationally, outlining the challenges that inventors and artists face (e.g. lack of financial sustainability, low competitiveness) and finding creative ways to overcome them. Value chain analysis must be used to identify the creative products and services with particular competitive advantages or that are capable of being developed as niche markets in particular situations. The body will be assigned with the task of developing strategies for expanding the scope of creative industries and identifying the strong areas of Rwanda. It will be responsible for establishing workshop centers (both in urban and rural areas) where more people will have the chance to undergo training and become employed in one of the industries. This should be a joint effort of the government (Ministry of CIIPTC), private businesses, NGOs (especially MFIs), international donors and civil society.
22. To facilitate this process, we need to take urgent measures and press for the establishment of copyright legislation and enforcement, which in turn will ensure the artists' intellectual property protection, benefits and earnings. Another possible way to stimulate artists will be by supporting them directly (via fiscal means) or indirectly (through encouragement of private-sector support). The expansion of digital capacity and know-how, as well as data collection and institutional building will be important parts of the process as well.
23. The development of creative industries will facilitate the process of full integration and empowerment of the vulnerable groups discussed in point 9.
24. A database with illustrative cases, best practices, and even lessons from failed projects, both in microfinance and creative economy etc., must be compiled by the government in cooperation with NGOs etc. to serve as guidelines for action.
I sincerely hope that Your Excellency will be content with the outlined policy action plan. I will be more than happy to further discuss any questions or comments that you might raise. I believe that our united efforts will bring Your vision for this nation into practice and that Rwanda will reap the fruits from its hard work!
With respect,
Ivana Koleva, Policy Advisor
Kigali, Rwanda
1. “Making Globalization Work for the Least Developed Countries”, UNDP 2008.
2. Sam Daley-Harris, “Pathways out of Poverty”, Kumarian Press Inc., 2002.
3. “Creative Economy Report 2008”, UNDP, UNCTAD, 2008.
4. MDG report Rwanda, 2007.
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Sunday, November 30, 2008
SHE is! (dedicated to all 'womankind')
She is the epitome of a hero, the symbol of endurance and life will
she strolls down the road carrying heavy loads,
yet in her spirit she is free of burdens or flaws
she raises up her gentle voice and whispers wisdom in the dark
she need not scream attention to attract,
her full charisma draws crowds around
she may be scolded, beaten, raped, abused
yet angels guard her every move
she falls she rises, she loves she smiles
she cries and sings, she lives a 'rich' life
despite the lack of a bank account
she knows her worth, her price is priceless
no diamonds or gold can buy her faith or chances
she wakes up with the dawn and puts the dark to sleep
she wears simple clothes, yet her dignity makes her shine indeed
she obeys yet doesn't bow before no one but her God alone
she prays to Him and heavens open,
she is a creation to be praised, the nations will applaud her
she may be hungry or in need but her love for others so deep
that she will give her only piece of bread,
to someone more needy, or her kids, or anyone who seeks food or drink
she is empty of selfish desires and full of the power others to inspire
she aspires people to reach the stars, even when they are robbed of dreams or dignified lives
she seeks no fame, no worldly recognition, yet possesses more than any worldly creature
her name is Woman, God's divine creation, made to bear and raise the children of every nation
her name is Woman, she fights for those who cannot fight, and speaks boldly for the ostracized
she shows mercy over strangers, pity over the needy, hospitality towards the discriminated
forgiveness towards the accused, kindness towards the abused, love towards the abandoned
her name is Woman, she is the image of Humility in full display,
she carries herself with the lightness and grace of a leaf blown by the wind
her name is Mother
her name is Patience, Kindness, Truth,
her name is Passion, Love, All-Good
her name is Wisdom, Honor, Determination
her name is Courage, Strength, and Inspiration
she fears not, for she will win,
despite all wrongs and hardships she might feel
eventually, the crowns of life, she Will obtain.
When abused or falsely accused
stepped on, sold, cursed
she might be the victim but she never gives up
she picks herself up and looks ahead and above...
she can forgive others, as well as herself,
she wears a veil of dignity and a robe of self-respect
He called her Holy, to be Praised, of the earth Unique, she is all these
she is the Pride, the Pillar, and the Prize
she is the morning star, the rising tide
she is the embodiment of glory and of depth since ancient times
she fears not to toil for her family's wellbeing
she is beauty, she is grace,
she is the phantom with a changing face
she is silent, yet she speaks,
she is asleep, yet always alert
she guards, protects, gives life and breath
she is a cornerstone of Faith
she is a
she is an evergreen flower, spreading fragrance to all ends
she is ripe in every season, bearing fruits sweet
she is a woman of reason
she endures storms and bears all fortunes,
she doesn't believe in good/bad luck, only in right and wrong choices
she's been tried and tested, proved and approved
she is called - a Servant of the Lord God
she hopes and believes
she perseveres and persists
prays and receives
she hungers for righteousness
pursues holiness
and establishes Peace
she mesmerizes the eyes of men,
yet humbly passes by, she knows only her Man
she is pure like the water from a mountain stream,
she is blessed, her name all nations will pronounce from the highest hill
she stands in awe of her God's love
a 'box' He filled with blessings from above
He opens and the blessings pour,
and flood the earth, and quench the poor
she reaches her hand to the needy
and wipes away the tears of the weary
she touches the untouchables
and embraces the sick and forgotten
she surrounds her beloved with constant love and care
she reveals multiple dimensions of the meaning of a Woman, she dares
she holds the suffering and tears of the world in her big wide heart
she doesn't judge those different from herself
nor does she speak evil of anyone else
she transcends all categories, castes, classes, and definitions
she is to be defined only as super-in-nature
she is truly to be revered!
she is Special, incomprehensible
complex, yet simple
great, yet so small
she's been the victim, yet she is a victor!
she's lost it all, yet gained much more
she's died, yet remained engraved in the hearts of all!
her name is WOMAN!!!
She is You, a Woman made to last,
she is you, a woman, made to rise
a woman made to bring change,
to restore life
to reflect God's love
it is You- the woman of God.
it is your calling, to be(come) She - the woman of God!!!
Dedicated to: every Woman in the world - the mother, the working woman, the widow, the single mother, the poor, the neglected ,the abused, the falsely accused , the fighter, the victim, the believer, the Christian, the Buddhist, the Muslim........, to every woman and every girl of every place of every age of every kind!
p.s. specially dedicated to my Mum, to my sisters - Sheila, Alida, Sonia, Sarah, Liliane, Senhit, as well as to their precious mothers and sisters and to all my beloved Woman-heroes, who have touched my life in amazing ways and I am forever indebted and grateful for their love and inspiration! THANK YOU ALL!!! YOU DESERVE TO WEAR THE CROWNS OF LIFE!
Inspired by Proverbs 31, Maya Angelou's poem "Still I rise" and by the stories of all the ladies on the pictures and others like them!
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