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Thursday, July 10, 2008

little space with little info about the big God and big issues of life

  • hey everyone :) , it's been quite awhile since i wanted to start writing this blog, but never really knew where to start from. so, here i am. my name (African one) is Uwera, meaning pure, given by my dearest Rwandese sister Sh.Mutavu. i am a student in China (Beijing), Bulgarian by passport(and descent, and love love love that country), international (mostly African) by heart (and soon by husband, as my beloved fiance is Ugandan), totally in love with God and all of its creation (in its purity, not fall...)and a total follower of HIS divine WORD.

  • I am a BELIEVER (born-again Christian) and this is what defines me ("Nothing is impossible for those who believe", "Believe and you shall receive"...these are some of the things i am deeply convinced of). My motto is "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy" (Prov.31), in other words " Love your neighbour as yourself"'(Rom13:9).

    I have been involved in helping people since i was little and this, i believe, is what God's intended purpose for me is.

  • this blog i will write in the role of a "watchman", as it is said " I have posted watchmen on your walls, o Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You, who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth" (Isai.62:6-7). So, i intend to be a WATCHMAN for the weak, the destitute, the invisible, the vulnerable, the little ones, the oppressed ones, the hungry and thirsty, the lost and the found , all, all of God's children! I believe that God meant for everyone to enjoy life to the fullest, to be equal, to be free, to be able to choose, to be able to develop their full potential, i believe GOD CREATED EVERYONE SPECIAL.
    I believe sin and the cycle of evil can and will be broken only by the power of LOVE and FAITH...and mostly by love and faith IN ACTION.

  • for me, all that matters is, did you (i) waste my life hating ,envying, being jealous, greedy and needy, or did you (i) love with all your (my) heart and mind and soul? did your (my) life impact s.o. else's life in a positive way? did you (i) live out your (my) beliefs? did people see a reflection of God's perfect love in you (me)? did you (i) bring someone out of the mud? did you (i) give someone a hand, when they were drowning? a shoulder to cry on? a chunk of bread when they were hungry? a piece of clothing when they were cold? a dream come true? a glass of water when they were thirsty? a glimpse of hope when they were desperate? a hug? a smile? a piece of advice or word of wisdom when needed? a look of understanding, when confused? a way out, when they were stuck? a ray of light when all was dark? a kind word when humiliated or abused? a strong arm when unable to walk?....did you (i) use YOUR (my) talent, YOUR (my) uniqueness, YOUR (my) benefit the lives of the unprivileged, neglected...forgotten ones, for Jesus said "Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.....I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for ME" (Matt.25:34-40)
  • here, i also intend to share glimpses of my walk with Jesus, whom i have found to be utterly-ultimately-super-over-the-top-amazingly-cool and this attempt's aim is to maybe someday somewhere somehow, touch SOMEONE and tell them about THE SAVIOUR who redeemed me - JESUS - THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE...and change their lives this news changed mine :) so, this is the part that will deal with the BIG MAN , the CREATOR, the BIG GOD....of whom we've seen but a sparkle, we know but so little, who made all things, and who is in all things, who was and is and is to come, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End - my Heavenly only one.
  • While on this topic, you should also know that God looooves TO HAVE FUN and to make his children laugh, so, we aint here just for the serious stuff, but also to chill in the house of the Lord...looking at the world through his window.
  • also, let us not just talk talk talk about stuff, but PRAY about the issues that God lays on our hearts and dare to believe in miracles!
  • i will also share some of my favorite music, books, etc, plus some of my poetry, links ... so watch for those :)

  • i also hope to make this space an area for discussion on issues generally classified under the word DEVELOPMENT (HUMAN DEVELOPMENT) ranging from faith to poverty, to child soldiers, to women's empowerment, to the marriage as a sacred institution, to environmental ethics, to the need of a "citizen" consciousness in each one of us, to the dread of the modern consumption-obssessed world, to microfinance......i hope that, we, together, will come to discover a bit more about the meaning of life and about all the BIG ISSUES on earth, some of which, involve very little people...who, nevertheless, are VERY IMPORTANT and deserve to be given special attention..
  • i will not aim to be exhaustive, therefore, i have said, LITTLE SPACE, LITTLE INFO about BIG ISSUES and the BIG, please excuse me in advance for any info not comprehensive enough, not correct enough, not good enough...i am looking forward to learning from each one of you, since, as i earlier said, i believe each one is a rather unique and special creation of God and deserves full attention.

  • my prayer is: Lord, teach me your ways, and help us to see people and issues around us through your lenses, to love as you love, to think as you think. Lord, let the words of my mouth be pleasing to you and let your name be glorified through this blog! Father, draw your children around you and teach them wisdom, that they might choose life and might live it to the fullest. May we truly be the light of the world, and the salt of the world.

  • "Arise, Shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn" (Isai60:1-3).


let the journey begin...

enjoy yourselves and don't hesitate to contact me :)


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